Friday, February 27, 2004

Alejandro Sanz Concert

Last night I went to the Alejandro Sanz concert and it was one of the better concerts that I have been to. It was weird though because a couple seats down there was a couple of gay guys and well they were singing the songs but yelling to Alejandro, "I love you." I was singing as well and having a good time, I wonder if anyone there thought I was gay too. jajaja If you have a chance to go to see him in concert I recommend it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Birthday Dinner

My sister and some of my friends went to this cool place to eat for dinner on my birthday called Hawaii Cinco Cero here in Monterrey, Mexico. Here are the pics from the restaurant, I want to thank my sister and Daisy for setting everything up and for the cake, it was good!!

Monday, February 23, 2004

My Birthday - 22

Well, today is my birthday, just wanted to take some time to thank everyone for wishing me a happy birthday and for your gifts ;)
One of them in particular really meant a lot to me. I guess that's it, Happy Birthday to ME!!
One more thing.... I got a webcam for my bday and here's the link so you can see me whenever you want, well maybe ;)

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Eli's Blog + Friends

Hey guys,
Well I'm calling this "Eli's Blog + Friends" because I want to allow my friends to upload their latest news on my website on this blog just to check up on them and see what they have been up to. I think this is a good idea if people actually do it. It's "high tech" the way I like to be. So please come on board and join the fun. Email me if you want me to allow you to upload to the blog - or go to my website and send me a feedback and tell me your email and include that you want me to allow you "access rights to blogger".

Seems to be working

Been trying to get this blogger to work on my website for months.