Wednesday, August 18, 2010

in pharmacology class :D

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

loving Chrome's extensions!
learning about amphetamines in pharmacology class... let's get high!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

loving "CHAX" for ichat

Monday, March 29, 2010

it was about time Ricky Martin.... why do you tell me something I already knew a loooooong time ago
packing for texas....finally

Friday, March 19, 2010

Chillin' @ lily's
feeling a bit sick.... tension in the air @ monterrey
let's see how this works...


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

When I was little

Here's a few pics of when i was a tiny little boy living in the valley, going to school at VCS.



2nd Grade

4th Grade

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

8-22-06.....the day my dad lost our dog

today is a very sad day.....
i lost my dog at my ranch, well more like my dad but still, 'littlefoot' is missing....
my dad thinks he got killed by a mountain lion... i hope she's still alive and makes it somewhere safe for the night.
i can't believe she's gone.... damn this sux....
13 years with her, she's part of the family, and we don't even get to lay her down to rest cause we can't find her body.... :(
i don't know when i'll have another dog......
the ranch is a place that i enjoy but i will never forget the spot where i last saw my dog :(
i guess this is goodbye 'littlefoot'.........................

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Cheerleading , tumbling lessons and camps since age 3: $30,000

Annual cost of attending USC: $50,000

Annual cost for staying just the right shade of blonde: $10,000

Cheering when the other team scores: Priceless

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Turning 50

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Tailgating-UT vs Kansas

Today we tailgated like Champions... Direct Tv, 42 Plasm TV, bbq-ing, and drinking like there's no tomorrow. That's John stash in the trunk of his car. We all had tickets to the game, none of us went! jaja, we decided we had a better view/setup at our tailgate than at the stadium. 9am-9pm, it doesn't get any better than this.... Hook'em Horns

- from the mobile of eLi

Monday, November 07, 2005

Catch of the Day: SHARK

$65 for Deep Sea Fishing
$3 for 2 cokes and a bag of Doritos on the OSPREY
$20 tip to the first mate of the OSPREY
$10 for gutting and filleting shark
Catching your first shark: priceless
"Shark on, Shark On!!!" that's what the deck hands of the OSPREY yelled the moment my rod bent like fat albert was on the other end. 8 hours of deep sea fishing and a sun burn was worth it after catching my first shark. What inspired me to go shark fishing? Well I guess you can say wathing ESPN's "Monster Shark Tournament" sparked my interest. There're few things in life that excite as much as having a shark on the end of your fishing pole.
Sharking being clean.
More Shark Pics

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Dia de los Muertos

This weekend i traveled to Tamazunchale, SLP in mexico and i had the neat opportunity to see the 'dia de los muertos' in mexico for the first time. i had heard about it but didn't know it was this big festival with 4 days of celebrating the dead. kids didn't go to school for 2 days and people didn't work on the 1st or 2nd of nov. as i was traveling in this area of mexico know as the 'Huasteca' i was pulled over by several road blocks controlled by little kids demanding a mandatory donation for their celebrations. of course i donated because i was warned that if you didn't contribute to their cause they would key your car or spray paint your car. of course they did all this while wearing their costumes which are a lot more scarier than the traditional costumes of the states, and all the little kids would gather in a group and do this dance as if possessed by demons....
at night there were celebrations of the dead with traditional dances with adults and kids. i filmed two of these dances, the second one here is danced in front of the altar of the dead that pertains to this dance. there were about 6 altars, each with it's own dance.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


miniature aggie bonfire not built by aggies...homecoming weekend bonfire by bridge no. 1
- from the mobile of eLi

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

White Sox lead series 3-0

after 5 hours 41 minutes of baseball my sox pull it out in the 14th to beat the astros in game 3 to go up 3-0 in the world series!

-from the mobile of eLi

Friday, October 21, 2005

Pumpkin Carving

today i carved my first pumpkin ever. yesterday i went to go buy the pumpkin at the lake that the 4h was selling.... damn pumpkin cost me 9bucks... anyways, i decided not to do the tradition pumkin but rather a cool design. and soooooo i started not knowing it would take 3 damn hours to carve the thing, but it was worth it seeing the end result. here's a small clip, maybe you can get a better idea of what my pumpkin looks like
- from the mobile of eLi

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Shot in the Ass

so today i got tested for strep throat and tested positive. so my two options were taking medication for 10 days which i wouldn't do everyday or get a shot. i opted for the shot. damn did it hurt. so here's a pic of my shot in the ass by the lovely nurse jessica. thanks for the lump! ...even though i had people rubbing my butt all day ;)
- from the mobile of eLi