Sunday, July 10, 2005

Before I leave

Well peeps,
it's been a while since i last posted. What can i say, I'm a busy guy. Anyways since graduation i have been traveling every weekend and sometimes during the week too. I'm "working" during the week so i try to stay in eagle pass but that's not always the case. I'm just getting back to the state today from Mexico where i went to my family's annual family reunion. I've been to monterrey about 3 times this month, plus Mcallen, Brownsville, Matamoros, South Padre Island (all twice). I've been to San Antonio at least 7 times, i lost count after the 4th trip. Anyways, the reason for this post is that my blog is about to get interesting. I'm leaving tomorrow for Europe and i will be posting as often as i find a internet cafe or a computer. I'll be there until August 5th and I will be having several concerts in Birmingham England from July 26th to July 30th. So, i guess i should start packing. If anyone wants a little souvenir, well let me know by posting a comment or an email. later, see you from europe!


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