Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Just getting to Dallas

I finally arrived in Dallas last night after a long day of traveling. It's very interesting traveling with 3 sisters. I'm not sure how I'm going to survive in Europe for a month with them but I know it's going to challenge. About 30 miles before arriving to Dallas, we had the fortunate event of a flat tire. My sister's said that I should be in a nascar pit crew but we all know that I belong on the track if anything with my driving skills. So I changed the tire in 5 minutes flat but took me another 10 just to get the flat tire on the back door where the spare goes. I was able to meet Shyam last night and had a couple of drinks with that guy, man he's a character. I also saw Alma, Dan, Amy and Emir in Austin at where else, the best Thai restaurant in Austin, Thai Kitchen. So a 6 hour drive turned into a 11 hour drive with stops in San Antonio where my sisters decided today would be the best time to shop, and with my pit stop in Austin to see the gang. Not to mention our good luck with our flat tire. All I hope is that the flat tire is the low point in this whole trip. See you from England,


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