Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Drop Continues

Well i arrived in london today after a long trip of delays at the airports. I was ready to have a trip of a lifetime but that dream was or is momentarily on hold. you see, we arrived at the airport in london and had to take the 'underground' subway to get to our hotel. we made 3 transfers and in all the confusion of finding the right train, carrying our luggage and just being new to the place, i missed placed my backpack. We went to the 'underground' subway offices calling all the stations we had stop and made transfers but with no success. We call the police and filed a police report. The subway supervisor told us that leaving a backpack on the subway after last week has become a hazard to everyone, and shuting down the metro would not help any. So if you ask me what i did today, on my first day in london, well i would have to say that i spent it on the subway, in the supervisor's office and the US embassay getting a new passport. Oh yeah, so my passport was in my backpack, ain't i a smart one.
Lost items in Backpack:
european tour tickets
Hair Gel
phone charger
digital camera charger
outlet converter
electric shaver
verace sunglasses case
....more things to be added later when i discover they are missing

scene of the lost's 'underground' somewhere

So the bottom end of the low point of my trip does not seem to be in sight nor was it a flat tire in dallas. The good thing is that i was able to get a new passport in 2 hours.
The place we are staying is nice and everyone here seems to be very helpful and friendly.
We have yet to explore london is my sister and i were at the embassy and my other 2 sisters went to sleep while we fixed my passport situation. Then we decided to rest as well and now are up and about in an internet cafe. my first meal in london was lamb shawrma, pretty good, they had some hot sauce and my sister's and i were tearing it up with that. hopefully things look up from now on but i jinx myself yesterday by saying that sooooooo maybe you guys will get another exciting adventure tomorrow.
peace out from london.....


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