Thursday, July 14, 2005

On the up and up

London..... wow what can i say about a city with sooo much history. Today i woke up at 11am....nice and early, what can i say? i'm a morning person, jaja. To begin with london is crazy expensive and i'm not talking about clothes, housing and cars but food. today i ate a polish burger for 10 US dollars!?!?! wtf, i mean it was good but 10 bucks. We decided to discovery the city on the big red bus today. We've have been on the bus since 11am to 11pm. First stop was the westminster abby. WOW, i could not believe i was visiting the tombs of soooo many people i had read in my english lit. classes throughout the years. The church inside was amazing itself as well. Although i think they should call it the westminster cementary, i can't even remember how many dead ppl are in there. next was a stop at big ben and parliment. the song that i played as a little boy in my piano recitals kept going through my head, Big Ben.
We walked about 100 miles to the london bridge because my sister wanted to see it, and of course it was this crap bridge she was mistaking for the tower bridge. Then we ate lunch at the polish cafe, it was delicious and they filmed some of the new harry potter movie there. next we went to check out some details about our tour we will begin on sunday with destination to amsterdam. since i lost all my tour vouchers we wanted to make sure what need to be done. everything is cool with that. also we booked our hotel for one night at a hotel and man is it expensive. 400 bucks for 4 ppl in a regular non luxious room. oh well, we made the phone call to our mom to send more money, jaja. 2 days, 200 bucks spent just on food, buses, subway, and our stay until friday, not included the 400 bucks for friday night. Next we went to a pub, of course, we had to hit it up. my sister's got a apple cider beer and the other one a pale ale. Eli get's dark beer, yeah baby, that's the way to go. we started getting really happy in the pub and were the loudest in there. good times. next we went to the london eye, which was spectacular. nice view of the city. i can't complain so far about being in london with my sisters, everything is cool, everyone brings something different to the adventure.
i didn't write about our welcome to london party yesterday. since i have 3 hot sisters, we got invited to go to Hyde Park which is in front of the place where we are staying. anyways, it was about 12 of us, mostly spaniards, a polish guy, kenyan, a french girl and us. the guys from spain had their guitars and a drum. we jumped over the hyde park wall because it was closed, it was around 12:00am. we were there until 2am, just talking and getting to know ppl. it's good to meet ppl from around the world and observe their points of view. of course the ladies loved it because they had a spaniard singing to them. Tomorrow is another day. We will be going to see "Stomp" and going to museums... this is the artsy day, my oldest sister's favorite day. she's a culture buff. well goodnight from be continued


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