Monday, July 25, 2005

We will always have Paris

this trip just keeps getting better and better. so i went to see the tour du, go lance, i can't believe i saw him end his career, what awesome luck i have. i'm pressed for time right now, i'll expand on this blog later. but... moulin rouge was incredible, and dancing until 4:30am last night with gracie made my trip. damn girl you can move, we will always have paris ;)
finally back in london, going tomorrow to birmingham for my concert, nervous but everyone on my tour bus has given me great encouragement. also i have made life long friends that makes traveling worth it. this has been one of the best trips ever even if it seemed a little rush, the aussies made the trip a blast, not to mention the ladies were very entertaining..... i will miss everyone one of you.
from london....again
p.s. i'll be posting my pics soon....until then, cheerio!

continuing with my post...
paris, what can be said about paris that hasn't been said before. the end of a fabulous tour has come to an end. our tour guide hans is an excellent person, truely grateful for all this efforts and coordinations with our tour. our bus driver renold is the best damn bus parker in the world, and coming from me with excellent parking skills, it means alot. it wasn't a long tour but it wasn't short either. one more day would have been too much. i'm really tired of traveling, sitting on a bus that goes on and on and on. the seats aren't too comfortable either, with the damn seat belt poking you in the ass. the views are irreplaceable, i would not trade this trip for all the money in the world. i have learned sooo much about europe but more importantly about people. i have a new world view on cultures and new friends. one of my new friends john is possibily the funniest guy i have ever met in my life. good luck john with your passport situation! i can't say enough good things about aussie chics.....damn you girls know how to party, and i enjoy partying with you. i bet you didn't think this mexican had dance moves but i proved you wrong. sooo after moulin rouge, which is a must see if you are in paris, we moved next door to a bar. we thought we would change our nightly routine of drinking every night to the bar for one last party. i don't think i've drank sooo much in one week. i wanted to post some pics but the computer i'm at doesn't have a cd-rom :( anyways..... last night was worth every penny. want more could you want on your last night in paris, last night together as one big happy family? dancing until the sun comes up, and getting to know people better. i would go any where in the world with you guys again, i'm serious, what about a contiki reunion in australia or south africa. our group pic at the effiel tower turned out spectacular, even though it was pouring, we all look like models. like any family, we had our good and bad times, but i'm content that our good outweighed the bad and our bad times were few. i think i could go on and on about my tour but people need to use the computer. i will try my best to post pics sooooo. also expect a contiki page with pics that other people on the tour took. you know i love you and that's why i want you to enjoy europe as much as possible from behind a computer screen. sooo now that i'm in london i hope things go smoothly with the transportation situation. today we took our first london taxi to our hotel and we fit 4 big suitcases plus everyones carry on....all inside the taxi. tomorrow it's off to birmingham.... i'm looking at the possiblity in going to scotland...staying with people from the tour. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo until next time...


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