Sunday, July 17, 2005


I Amsterdam.
Today we arrived in amsterdam. what can i say? i'm not really for this kind of liberal thinking? we crossed the english cannel this morning in a ferry. oh did i mention we almost missed this tour. turns out everyone was freaked about about my passport situation that when we arrived at our hotel on friday we but them in a safe. but they failed to mention it was a time locked safe and that it opened at 9am. our tour departed today at 7am and we didn't have our passport. after alot of praying some how they opened the safe and we were able to leave with our tour. otherwise our options was to go to the airport and fly to amsterdam, all costing a pretty penny.
so now in amsterdam we did a cannel tour. we toured the red light district.....hmmmm interesting, very interesting ;) anyways i'm with my sisters sooooo things are limited in what i can do/what they want to do. our group is ok, we are 31 of us. i wish we were a little more dynamic but we still have many days to see what happens.... no eye candy on the tour bus though :(
welllllllll tomorrow we will finish seeing amsterdam. until then.... i'll be smoking one of all of us.


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